I absolutely loved this movie. Daryn Tufts writes an excellent script that is different than the majority of the romantic comedies these days. I am always on the lookout for romantic comedies that aren't cookie-cutter predictable. Yes, you can almost always tell the two main leads are going to end up together, but this movie takes such an unexpected path, it's quite refreshing. Don't be dissuaded by the low score here on IMDb. The majority of the user reviews for this movie are very positive. I am quite surprised that this wasn't picked up by a major distributor like Napoleon Dynamite was by Fox Searchlight. It deserved to be. Finally, it was refreshing to see a cute and clever romantic comedy without the vulgar language and sexual situations. It hearkens back to Sleepless in Seattle in that manner. Give 'My Girlfriend's Boyfriend' a chance and let it touch your heart.