This is the typical, formula, stereo-typed Hallmark Christmas movie plotline.
There is nothing new or surprising about this romance story - you've seen it all before (probably many times) other than the fact that some scenes are actually shot in Rome which does add some uniqueness. Nevertheless, the always good stars, Lacey Chabert and Sam Page, rise way above the lackluster material and give some really nice performances that make sitting through this, ultimately, okay. Once. But not again.
Fun to see Franco Nero, an Italian actor who became an international heartthrob during the late 60's, 70's and early 80's, show up as "Luigi" (of course), but he really isn't given much to do or say. The rest of the cast works well, too, despite the trite script.
It's time for Hallmark to realize that taking their really talented performers and sticking them in boring stories just because they take place in London, Rome, Graceland, Dollywood (that one was a real stinker this year), etc. does not guarantee viewership. As a matter of fact, we quit watching the Dollywood one half way through. Never saw Dolly Parton!