Director Shin-Yeon Kim has used multiple cameras to accomplish the angles that he had incorporated into the film and the result is a lot of quick flashes and cuts that are very reminiscent of a Michael Bay film, truly fast-paced with the Hollywood feel, which impress all the way. The film's premise is smart and satisfying. A mother's love and a crime for a crime is the film's main theme; and fortunately, the director focused his sights mainly on the dramatic emotions being felt by Ji-Yeon and the victim's mother, Han Suk-Hie played by veteran actress Kim Mi-Suk. The two women are the main strengths of this thriller; both have given impressive performances and credible portrayals of their characters.
It's been a while since I have had a good time watching a film and I was impressed. The acting is superb, story tight with a few twists and turns,everything is not as it seems. All in all, this Korean murder mystery had a lot to offer.