I believe that this movie started out as a dare for the director to make a horrible movie. I'm not going to say that it's the worst one out there, I'm thankful of the omission of thirty minutes screen-time's driving at the start of the film. Considering the second half of the film only contains one word of dialog repeated ad infinitum, the point is balanced out.
It's not all bad, the plot is coherent! Mind you, any points it would gain for that are reduced fourfold for the plot also being simple and meteorically boring. We're talking a plot that can be verbosely, accurately, and lengthily described in under ten words. The boring factor on this movie could be considered radioactive. After re-watching this movie for this review, I hung out at the apartment complex's barbecue for awhile, everyone who was in their apartment during the time I watched this suffered from high levels of boredom as well.
I'd almost give this movie two stars for half of the actors not being incredibly bad, and nails-to-chalkboard annoying, if not for the other half of the cast filling that role to the T. My only theory of this movie not being conceptually designed to suck would be that the director wanted us to feel relief when the characters die, but the relief factor doesn't exist either, instead we're left with disgust at the movie.
I'll finish this review now because I've probably racked up a longer word count for this review than the script had in its entirety.