This is a show that is pornographic, vulgar, profane and blasphemous. And therein lies its charm. It is a thoughtful polemic against fallen media and social standards and against organized religion. It is infuriating but it is as though the infuriation factor is designed as a filter to keep out anyone unable to appreciate the thoughtful arguments beneath the shock and the schlock. The music (if not the raunchy lyrics) has an echo of Andrew Lloyd Weber. The voices, the choreography, the staging and the orchestra are all first rate. Think of it as a modern day Don Giovanni. Indeed the premise and the conclusion are much the same as those in Mozart's masterpiece. There are some great lines as when Springer, brilliantly played by Davd Soul, protests "You can't put me in hell.I'm Jewish." It's doubtful this will make it to US television. Certainly the evangelical truth squads will do everything they can to block it. It was on Bravo here in Canada Saturday night and I applaud them for their chuptzah in showing it. It might turn up in some fringe theatres or video shops in the US. Once you get past the provocative format, you'll find it a worthwhile exercise.