This show is an absolute delight. I wish they had TV like this when I was a pre-schooler.
The format is simple. Five young animals playing in their backyard start to imagine some adventure. The landscape morphs to match their fantasy world. The characters alternately explore and take time out for a little song and dance. The music is quite unlike typical shrill children's music. It is can range from baroque to doo wap. The child actors do an exceptionally good, but clearly child-like job, of the harmonies and counterpoint. They do a simple little dance. It invites participation. The lyrics are great fun, with strained rhymes. The original, clever, simple and upbeat music is what makes the show.
The 3D computer animation is smooth, sharp and clear with rich juicy colours. Real children play the characters, with plausible pleasant voices, not the silly squeaking usually used to entertain children.
The characters are invariably polite and kind to each other. Each adventure has a subtle morality tale. The story does not beat the kids over the head with moralising.
I confess. I am 58 years old, and I love this show. I feel silly watching a show for preschoolers, but it puts such a smile on my face, I tell myself "What the heck."