This British cartoon was based on a book franchise of the same name by Jamie Rix, who had involvement in bringing his books to the small screen. It aired on CITV for six years from 2000-2006, and had a revival on Nicktoons from 2011-2012.
We begin with the stop-motion intro, featuring the unnamed boy walking into the Squeam Screen, as he awaits to see another Cautionary Tale for Lovers of Squeam, hosted by none other than Mr. Grizzly himself, who was made for the series to give narrator Nigel Planer a physical character role.
Then, we head into the stories, animated in traditional animation or Flash in later seasons. Most are based on the book series, while some are especially made for the TV series. The stories are all pretty much the same, they feature children who are pretty much jerks to everyone and eventually meet their comeuppance by getting killed off in really gruesome ways, and it's always satisfying seeing what happens to the children.
Anyways, there's a good reason why this was a tradition of CITV viewers from its original six-year run. It featured content you never really saw in children's TV shows. There's loads of blood, there's occasional gore, there's loads of gruesome content and on-screen deaths. It's awesome! And the worst bit about it? (other than the downgrade to CGI and Flash in the Nicktoons seasons) It's very addictive to watch because of this.
This is a fun childhood favourite (although I didn't really grow up with it) and it's perfect for anyone who's wanting a cautionary tale.