Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins is a live-action film made in Taiwan that is basically an unauthorized adaptation of Dragon Ball.
In this movie, King Horn, an evil alien, leads an army to take the seven Dragon Pearls, causing destruction and even death where he and his minions go. In the mountans, a girl names Seetou is searching for a Dragon Pearl, and meets Monkey Boy, a young boy who lives with his grandfather, Sparkle. After his home is attacked, Monkey Boy and Seetou goes on a journey to stop King Horn, who seels the Dragon Pearls to conquer the universe.
Okay, I get a lot of people are hating this, but I am not one of them. In fact, I think this is a better adaptation than what Hollywood would make 18 years later with Dragonball Evolution. Here, the movie stays true to the anime, as it keeps some of the characters accurate, despite the name changes to avoid legal trouble with Toei, the company who made the Dragonball anime, and kept the absurd humor it is know for. It does have some things I do not like (like Yamcha, a desert bandit, being turned into a cowboy from the West named Westwood, and replacing Puar with a talking cockatoo named Miss Knowwhat, as well as the fact that the only version watchable is the Ultimate Edition, which basically adds cheesy CGI effects), but this is live action adaptation that is close, as the story is a good mix of action and cheesy comedy, an it's closer to the anime it is based on.