This cartoon begins with a breathless expository monologue delivered by Macaulay Culkin, as all cartoons should. You see, Nick's magic wish-granting baseball glove works once per week, and each episode revolves around one wish. The wish always wears out before the episode is over. The problem with the way this is written is that NICK NEVER CONSIDERS THAT THE WISH WILL WEAR OUT. It's as if he were new at this. The physics depicted here are much wackier than those in Home Alone. The characters have very unrealistic reactions to Nick's trickery as he tries to worm his way out of the wacky zany situations. Usually there's a musical montage of wacky chase scenes with a song written especially for the episode. And most importantly, Nick tends to look at the camera and scream something along the lines of, "I'm termite snacks!" Just take one animal from Column A, and one sort of food from Column B. "I'm eel sauce!" "I'm locust eggrolls!" "I'm Leviathan Raoul!" (I'm not going to try to work an Iron Chef reference into this.)
By the way, before sending this I went back and replaced every instance of the word "Kevin" with the word "Nick". Pretty neat stuff, huh?