That's about all I have good to say about this. I blame either bad-dubbing, the alcohol needed to build the courage to watch this, or a combination of the two, but I found myself utterly confused by this movie. The lesbian mid-wife, servant, escort, whatever, served to do nothing other than make me want to stick a mousetrap in my pants. The large breasted star had two things going for her...and I do believe I just mentioned that. Her geriatric, lesbian servant...she made my flesh crawl. And her balding boyfriend, oh he was my favorite. The look on his face whilst Mrs. Hot Stuff was undulating with desire in the ice cold snow...that look, didn't really say to me "oh you're so beautiful and mysterious, I want you now". To me, it looked more like a bewildered, "Get the F#$% out of the snow, you moron." I hate this movie.