In a small town in the countryside of Sweden, the piano teacher Ingeborg (Dagny Lind) has been raising her foster daughter Nelly (Inga Landgré) for eighteen years with a simple life, but full of love. Ingeborg's tenant Ulf (Allan Bohlin) is in love with Nelly, but the spoiled girl despises him since she considers Ulf too old for her. On the weekend of the local ball, Nelly's biological mother Jenny (Marianne Löfgren) arrives in town with the intention of bringing Nelly to the big city to work with her in her beauty shop. In the ball, the naive Nelly feels attracted by Jack (Stig Olin), but she does not guess that he is Jenny's lowlife lover. Nelly decides to travel with Jenny to improve her future where she learns how tough life can be.
"Kris" is certainly dated in 2010, but it is still a great directorial debut of Ingmar Bergman. The dark and melodramatic story has a confused message of ingratitude – Why couldn't Nelly travel to the big city to learn a profession and earn money and still write to her beloved Ingeborg and visit her every now and then? Or Why the thirty and something year-old Ulf would be the best husband for Nelly if she does not love him? But this is a 1946 movie made immediately after-war when the values of the society would be different from the present days. My vote is eight.
Title (Brazil): "Crise" ("Crisis")