First, technically Bear Creek is a nightmare. The sound is terrible. Dialog is muffled, and sometimes unintelligible. The scenes were poorly lit and fuzzy. The soundtrack is awful and misplaced. As the characters are driving to their destination, we have happy strumming on a guitar. When they arrive, an ominous "one lower register key held down on a synthesizer" goes on for at least five minutes. What are our characters doing? Putting up tents. I'm not sure what is so suspenseful about putting up tents on a sunny day. The next scene is around a campfire, synthesizer madness still going, but now layered with another chime-like sound which totally drowns out half of the dialog...because, remember, poor sound. The dialog is terrible and ridiculously "bear-centric". I don't know anyone who has conversations that sound like this, and if I did, I wouldn't want to be their friend.
Oh, blood on a stuffed bear hanging from a tree. Why is it orange?
I have lived long, and met many people. No one I have ever known needed to make reference to being a bear, or doing bear things in every other sentence. I would have to hit them.
Which brings us the to delivery of this truly awful script: The "actors".
I will simply say "no...just no."
Not one person playing a role in this terrible "movie" has any acting ability whatsoever. It doesn't surprise me though, that someone who would make a stinker of a film like this would have any ability to recognize talent.
It's almost as if the person responsible walked around their favorite bear bar and asked random patrons if they wanted to be in a movie.
In summation...stay away. Stay far, FAR away.
And to the people responsible for the film, please don't quit your day jobs...unless this is your day job, in which case you should just give up now and admit to yourselves that maybe positions at UPS or a nice miniature golf course somewhere is where you should really be seeking employment. Perhaps one of those places where people can paint their own mugs. That's always fun.