"Echoes from the Past" is an impressive effort by Egyptian standards, delivering a captivating story with solid performances and a well-cast ensemble. The series succeeds in presenting a polished production that keeps viewers engaged throughout its run.
However, when viewed through the lens of a global audience, it doesn't quite break new ground. I've heard that the show is a remake of the Mexican series Who Killed Sara?-a series I haven't watched, but based on the storyline, it seems believable. While it adapts the premise effectively for an Egyptian context, it may feel less original to those familiar with the original series.
That said, the acting is commendable, with the performances striking a good balance without leaning into melodrama. The cast fits their roles seamlessly, which enhances the overall viewing experience.
Overall, Echoes from the Past is a solid 7/10. It's an enjoyable watch, especially for fans of Egyptian dramas, but it might not leave a lasting impression on an international scale.