I thought that if I just don't join Scientology I could avoid the dangerous and irresponsible junk science that this propaganda film spews out on an astonishing level. This film actual insinuates that anti-depressants are the cause of pathological disorders, flashing old, old visions of genocide's and wars that occurred a long time before anti- depressants were even invented. It also insinuates that psychopaths and sociopaths are the only people that take them, showing interviews with happy people who don't take them, reinforcing a stereotype that people with anxiety disorders and other problems are evil! Absolutely incredible! It claims that empathy is lacking in the world; true, but at the same time makes fun of those people who have depression and anxiety. This movie is the biggest piece of insensitive, elitist and ignorant trash I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing! I am actually very upset. Propaganda films which encourage sick people to abandon treatments and also stigmatize legitimate illnesses should, in my opinion, be banned worldwide. I'm for free speech, but this is plain malicious, science manipulation and corruption. Apart from this it also contradicts it's own arguments so many times it's quite truly amazing! If it wasn't so dangerous I would say watch it just for a laugh. These film-makers and the main narrator (actor) should be ashamed of themselves! Have some empathy for people who are not so lucky as yourselves, and don't talk about things you clearly have no experience in. SHAME ON YOU!