When it comes to stories about serial killers, people often expect an intense, adrenaline-pumping thrill ride. However, there are times when a story that's supposed to be gripping can actually end up being quite dull and slow-paced.
Unfortunately, that's the case with this particular story. Despite its intriguing premise, the tale is lacking in many ways. One of the main issues is the repeating dialogues, which can become tiresome after a while. In addition, the story's progression is quite slow, which can make it difficult to stay engaged.
To be honest, there were moments when I felt like giving up on the story entirely. It just didn't seem worth the effort to keep reading. I even considered turning to Wikipedia to read a summary instead.
Perhaps one of the biggest issues with this story is that it doesn't seem to respect the reader's time. There's simply too much unnecessary detail and too little actual plot development. If the author had trimmed down the story and focused on the most important aspects, it could have been much more effective.
Another problem is that the story fails to deliver on its promise of being a thrilling tale of murder and suspense. Instead, it plods along slowly, without much tension or excitement. It's a shame, because the story had the potential to be really interesting.
In the end, I think this story could have been condensed into a 60-70 minute episode, and everyone would have been much happier. As it stands, it's a slow, laborious read that just isn't worth the effort. If you're looking for a gripping serial killer story, this one is best left on the shelf.