"Mind Body Spirit" (2023) is a found footage horror film that delves into the dark side of influencer culture and spiritual obsession. The film follows Anya, an aspiring yoga influencer who moves into her estranged grandmother's home to record her first video. There, she discovers a hidden room filled with cryptic messages and items left behind by her grandmother, Verasha.
Intrigued, Anya begins to incorporate Verasha's teachings into her online persona, leading to a surge in popularity. However, as Anya delves deeper into the mysterious practices, she unwittingly unleashes an otherworldly entity that begins to manipulate her life and her videos. The film explores themes of fame, self-destruction, and the dangers of blindly following spiritual practices without understanding their true nature.
"Mind Body Spirit" effectively utilizes the found footage format to create a sense of immediacy and realism. The shaky camera work and intimate perspective heighten the tension and make the events on screen feel more visceral. The film also benefits from strong performances, particularly from Sarah J. Bartholomew as Anya. Her descent into obsession is both chilling and believable.
However, the film's reliance on jump scares and predictable plot twists can detract from its overall impact. Additionally, the ending feels somewhat rushed and leaves several questions unanswered. Despite these shortcomings, "Mind Body Spirit" offers a thought-provoking commentary on the influencer age and the dangers of unchecked ambition. It's a chilling reminder that the pursuit of fame and fortune can come at a steep price, especially when it involves delving into the unknown.