After the popularity of the Paranormal Activity franchise many companies decided to cash in and make their own similar micro budget movies of the same genre. One company made 9 movies under the franchise name of Paranormal Investigations, this is one of them.
Filmed for an estimated $5000 budget this follows a group of reality TV show participants spending 7 nights in an abandoned asylum in order to win $1 million! As with every other one of the Paranormal Investigations movies I've seen it's shoddily made with very little actually happening and a whole lot of shaky camera work & senseless screaming.
To it's credit near the end 7 Nights Of Darkness does manage to get under the viewers skin a bit, but it's simply too late.
Another incredibly boring 90 minutes of lifeless ghost genre "Action"
The Good:
Couple of creepy moments near the end
The Bad:
The abandoned asylum thing has gotten really old now
Scene separators are annoying
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Mens lavatories are notoriously haunted
Buckets are scary
Threatening to sexually molest an unconscious restrained woman is totally an okay thing to do