After many years of retirement Jackson was approached by some young television producers who remembered hearing about his popular Hollywood television show called "Memory Lane," a show that topped the "Ed Sullivan Show" in Hooper Ratings over 18 times. Jackson not only had a five year consistent run on television but he also was a favorite on the Warner Brothers radio station KFWB where his announcers were Neil Reagan, President Regan's brother and Hal Smith who many remember as Otis the drunk on the "Andy Griffith Show." Jack Warner told Jimmie that his show was his favorite program on their station. Jackson was also the first on-air personality on radio station KGIL. Jimmie Jackson was an early pioneer of radio and television and is credited as one of the first to do a singing commercial. He was known from coast to coast also broadcasting his show over the famous WHN radio station which was located atop the Lowe's State Building in New York's Times Square.