This movie is the epitome of telling rather than showing. Nearly every scene is a practice in exposition while remarkably telling us nothing about the characters.
Speaking of the characters there is no personality with any characters beyond brooding (lookin' at you Gerard Way lookin' lead).
The story (if there even is one beneath veritable tsunami of word vomit that is the exposition) is at best lackluster and at worst contrived and nonsensical.
The score is distracting and often mismatched to what's happening on screen. I hope you're fond of a single slow pace string music song because you're in for almost two hours of it.
I'd comment on the actors performances but hardly anyone had a line to deliver that wasn't a monologue of exposition (can you sense my salt with this films exposition delivery yet?)
The camera work was constantly tight on the characters faces and somehow managed to look tight even with (what was supposed to be) wide shots.
It's obvious that this film was stretched too far for the means of production, the technical aspect where moderately respectable but it's overshadowed by the horrific amount of cheesy exposition.
In conclusion this was a dull movie with human shaped scripts telling you the story rather than showing anything, that takes itself far to seriously and confused brooding looks for personality.