This fourth installment in the Swan Princess franchise was released fourteen years after the third one. By that time, one might think we could at least get something decent with a little thought put into it. WRONG!
Richard Rich turned his not good but decent and perfectly serviceable franchise into simply an abomination to animation itself by transforming it into cheap and hideous 3D computer animation which makes especially Odette creepy to look at! How could the same director masacre his own passion project so brutally, because it's not just the animation style which is ugly and lazy?
Just to name a few of them story contradicts the earlier SP movies' continuity all too many times, the same one-note gags are repeated from the previous movies and new absolutely terrible non-sensical pop culture references have been added. The orchestral music score and the songs was the highlights of the first movie in particular, but is now replaced with heavily auto-tuned pop/R&B- tunes with the most obvious use of the same singer for several characters.
Finally I must add that the fact that it is a Christmas movie is also a disgrace to the spirit of Christmas, because the symbolism it shows is so shallow and consumerism oriented that I simply feel offended. Hallelujah! Insulting both the franchise and the Spirit of Christmas. THIS MOVIE IS A JOKE! DO NOT WATCH IF YOU VALUE YOUR MENTAL WELL-BEING!