Reading the premise of " Trio of Catholic priests are called to exorcise teenage girl " I'm led to be reminded of a favourite discussion of Christopher Hitchens . " I'd have absolutely no problem of having a gay man like Stephen Fry babysit my kids . If however a member of the religious clergy of what ever denomination turned up at my door volunteering to look after my kids I would have no hesitation in calling the police " so a film where a teenager is tied to a bed and a trio of Catholic priests turn up has all the foundations of a tasteless black comedy where the punchlines are as obvious as they are funny
This isn't how things develop however . It is very much dark and gloomy and in some says resemble the works of Clive Barker .. I'm not really a fan of Satanic possession movies - I doubt if QUATERMASS AND THE PIT qualifies but what the production team are very good at here is mixing a dark hellish atmosphere with gore and yucky special effects , special effects that are obviously a labour of love that we used to see yesteryear via whizz kids in the industry like Rob Bottins and Rick Baker . If there's a flaw to this short it's let down slightly by a lack of explanation and exposition - there's female priests in the Catholic church ? and the mood and tone alters at the end in to something made by Robert Rodriguez which seems at odds with the feel of the majority of the production , but it's always nice to see something which the special effects aren't driven by CGI