I recently stumbled upon and subjected myself to this short. I was so impressed with its low quality that I was shocked to find someone had bothered to create an IMDb page for it.
Normally, I wouldn't make a point of writing a review for something like this, but the piece casts accusations of racism against "Hollywood" and I fear it's doing harm to a worthy cause...
In his recent TV series "Master of None", Aziz Ansari successfully portrays some of the insidious racism against Indians in the casting process. Aziz Ansari is a talented actor-comedian, and I'm sure he has encountered real racism that either failed to recognize or under-utilized his talents throughout his career. I applaud him for shining a light on that injustice.
However, the main actor's performance in "Ricky Goes to Hollywood" is so stilted and unnatural that to call it amateurish would be inordinately complimentary. For him to imply that his failure as an actor is due to his race and not his own complete lack of acting talent or ability is laughable at best.
What a cowardly excuse; to cry "racism", when clearly the basic technical work and of an actor has not been performed. How ironic that this film defeats its own argument through desperately awful acting and sloppy execution.
Many fine Indian actors likely get passed over for roles or cast as stereotypes every day. This piece is an insult to them.
Politics aside, all the hallmarks of truly awful film-making are here as well: every scene is a cliché', shots do not advance the story, dialogue is trite, no cinematography to speak of, etc.