"If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student" is a Japanese drama series that adapts Yayu Murata's manga, renowned for its unique premise. The narrative centres on Keisuke Niijima, portrayed by Shinichi Tsutsumi, who has been grieving the loss of his wife, Takae (Yuriko Ishida), for a decade. Their daughter, Mai Niijima (Aju Makita), also struggles with her mother's absence. The family's stagnant existence is revived when a young girl, Marika Shiraishi (Nono Maida), appears, claiming to be the reincarnation of Takae.
While the direction has been commended for capturing the essence of the original manga, the series' editing choices regrettably undermine the production's potential. The performances, particularly those of Nono Maida and Shinichi Tsutsumi, are noteworthy. However, the decision to replace Maida's portrayal of an "adult in a child's body" with an adult actor in certain scenes detracts from the depth of the narrative. Had the director guided Maida to fully embody the adult character throughout, the adaptation might have achieved a more profound impact, aligning closely with the thematic depth of the source material.
The premise a mother reincarnated as an elementary school student, offers a rich tapestry for exploring family dynamics and existential themes. However, the drama misses the opportunity to deliver a fully immersive experience. Despite strong individual performances, the editing appears too much focus on casting instead of core value of the story and disorganised, overshadowing the cast's efforts and diminishing the overall impact.
Each episode title features typographic graphic design that is both unique and aesthetically pleasing. The storytelling effectively presents individual character arcs but lacks the depth and cinematographic expression necessary to fully engage the audience, primarily due to subpar scene editing.
For viewers seeking light, casual entertainment without high expectations, the series may serve as a suitable option. However, those in search of a deeply engaging and nuanced adaptation may find it lacking. "If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student" is available for streaming on Netflix.