This is actually the sixth installment in the Hannah Swenson saga. I don't know why Hallmark decided to title it as another series. Nothing's changed, except we no longer have those elderly ladies gossiping in the bakery. We're also missing the blonde sister and the brother-in-law. And a new sister shows up out of nowhere. My best guess is that the actress playing Andrea wasn't available, so they had to write her out and replace her character.
The mystery itself is just as good as the others. And, once you get over the shock of the new sister, she's a pleasant addition to the cast. The mother, on the other hand, is at her worst in this movie. The script goes overboard with her ridiculousness. And, in real life, I think her debut novel would have provoked some serious drama in the family.
The love triangle with Norman has run its course. If Hallmark makes any more, I hope he'll just be a platonic friend to Hannah and Mike. And I hope he moves on with some other gal (Hannah's sister?).