No one on this move will be winning an academy award soon but it was not the worst thing I have ever seen. The acting was just good enough to make me watch. Adam is a 32, but tells everyone 28, year old man living at home. He is the primary caretaker for his very sick dad. His mother has previously died. The home they live in is... terrible and filled with old dolls due to that being the hobby of the mother. Anytime he brings anyone over to see this, they freak out and run. Zita, on the other had has been living on her own for years. Zita has lupus and the trouble of caring for her has drifted many men and family away. Both have every reason to lie to the other, which they do, all during their courtship. But when it all come out... it is pretty painful. I enjoyed that once found out they both had to seriously think about if they wanted to continue with the other. But eventually realized how foolish it would be not to.