I really enjoyed this series. There is a lot of information about things I hadn't seen or heard of before. The photography is very well done and so is the narration; he just gives the information with no fake drama and no repetition. Most of the archeologists and egyptologists are very informative and obviously know their stuff. I have to agree with all of the other reviewers however on the Darnells; they are absolutely ridiculous. Her voice alone is enough to make your ears bleed, and the way she talks, emphasizing every other word, she talks like she's announcing a sporting event. There is no way she in her vintage dresses and heels with her little straw hat and umbrella, 20's hair bob and enough makeup to sink the Titanic, and him in his linen suits and bow ties, have ever been on any kind of actual archeological dig in their lives. I honestly can't take anything either one of them says seriously.