Escape In Time is a psychological drama filmed in Humboldt County, California (home of the giant redwood trees and unspoiled ocean and surrounding landscape). Spectacular scenery enhances the visual quality of Escape In Time. The viewer is held in suspense throughout the film. This is not a movie that explains every detail—it relies on the intelligence and sensitivity of the audience. Escape In Time, is a tale of discovery, hope, and liberation. The story is told through the eyes of Jon, a janitor at Humboldt State University. A recluse from society, Jon lives isolated from the world. One night, Jon begins to have dreams: unfamiliar images of violent crimes and robberies that take place nearly forty years in the past. Too strange to explain, but too vivid to ignore. Through the course of the film, we discover that he has tuned into the life of John Anglin who was involved in the most famous escape from the world's most infamous prison: Alcatraz. As Jon's dreams become more frequent, the two stories juxtapose, and it becomes clear that they both have the same goal—Escape. The stories come together in the climactic ending on Alcatraz Island. Escape In Time captures the universal human dilemma of rediscovery, rebirth, and the power of determination through stunning visuals, and rich and heartfelt characters.