This is the first time in over 40 years that I've discovered, by searching the IMDb database, mention of this one-of-a-kind film. I'd almost begun to believe that I was the only person in the world who reveres this film, because no one I've mentioned it to had ever heard of it, much less seen it. I saw it only once, in the late 1960s, and have never forgotten its images: surrealism brought to life in a way no other film has attempted then or since. That such a marvelous film should remain "unknown" remains itself a mystery. Perhaps if someone out there is connected in some way, any way, to Turner Classic Movies, I wish they would bring this film to their attention. TCM is the only network showing rarities from every genre of film, and "The Lovers of Teruel" would be a fine and perfect addition to their Global Imports of unforgettable "foreign" films, shown very late on Sunday nights. Wish I knew Robert Osborne personally or someone at TCM. Their loyal and dedicated audience would greatly appreciate a premier viewing of "The Lovers of Teruel."