Todd Jensen plays a journalist and ex-super soldier type who finds himself hunted by a group of South African rich men, and along the way Jensen falls for the girl (Michelle Bestbier) and the fight is on. Prey For The Hunter has adequate acting believe it or not, I mean they're not very good but they're merely wooden instead of laughable which makes it hard to enjoy as camp. Meanwhile the action sequences are completely lame. You would be hard pressed to find any excitement in any of the confrontations that take place on the screen and the movie is very badly photographed so that there is no mood, no sense of atmosphere and no landscape beauty to make the backdrop sort of interesting. Prey For The Hunter is just completely lifeless dreck, a movie that you suspect nobody enjoyed making. One thing about movies like this, is that there is sort of a nostalgia and when you're bored you sort of wonder how the actors now (having not worked in 15 years) tell their friends about their attempt to make it in showbiz, but with this,you suspect it was an unhappy experience for all involved. Todd Jensen did actually go on to make more movies but to my knowledge never in a starring role and it's kinda sad that his one big movie, is one nobody wants to remember.
* out of 4-(Bad)