This movie is horrible. Aside from the plot gaffes, of which there are many, the movie itself is very weak. For those of you who are not Christians, you are seriously going to be left out, since I am a deeply devout Christian, and this movie had me reeling! Many non-Christians believe that simply because it is a Christian movie, we all like it. Trust me, it's not true. I have reviewed thousands of movies. In fact, 5,698 to date (not here. I have a website.) The plotlines are sketchy, the acting is stiff and cardboard, and the incredible cheese that flows from this movie is just palpable. Peter & Paul LaLonde need to sit down and find out how a real movie is made. They need to quit watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for plot insight too. This has to stop. Christian movies are among the lowest rated movies in the world. Now, in the older days, we had Ben Hur & Ten Commandments, The Robe, etc. Extremely high quality huge epic productions. Ten Commandments alone had the largest cast & set at the time it was made. Now with Revelation, of course, pathetic CG effects make it sub-par.
Trust me, if you are interested in studying Christianity and Christian movies, don't use this one. Or the next one, or the one before this one.