I don't want to just hate on anything or anyone, but this series is an insult to your intelligence and to Tex Avery. For Les Studios Tex to glom onto his name and then produce the waste of frames that they have is reprehensible. It's almost criminal. I've seen their products reviewed on other websites, and when I happened across some episodes on TV and watched for myself I couldn't have agreed more with the detractors. It isn't even so much about using Tex Avery's name or the blatant ripping off of his style (and poorly done at that), it's that this work isn't funny, it isn't well written, it's not even particularly animated with any originality or innovation. It appears to be a very elaborate, extensive attempt to make some money off of anyone who can't, or doesn't care to, distinguish between the classic Tex Avery cartoons and pale, pale imitations. I would request that the graphic for this page be changed for two reasons: 1) That's the cover to an MGM cassette of authentic Tex Avery cartoons, thus misleading and confusing as to the subject of this page, and 2) It's an insult and injustice to Tex Avery himself and the studio of brilliant talent who worked under him.