Wow. What can I say about a movie that was straight to cable? Most made for cable movies get a bad rap but this one is an exception. I was extremely touched by this movie, and super impressed by the performances of Laura Dern and Stockard Channing. I don't have any kids, and have never adopted, but I was touched by what went on in this film. It was a simple story, basic plot, that was wonderfully executed. Jodie Foster was executive producer.
Laura Dern plays Wanda, a trailer trash woman pregnant with her 5th child. Her and her redneck husband Al decide to give the baby up to adoption since they cannot afford any more children as they already have 4. Rachel (Stockard Channing) and her husband Richard are a well to do, classy childless couple that is eagerly waiting to adopt their baby. Until Wanda gives birth they are paying all baby related expenses whichs starts to become a problem once they start feeling used since Wanda seems to be using the baby as a bargaining tool for getting what she wants.
I will agree with the previous posts that the ending is sad, but extremely moving and it makes me cry every single time I see it. The song played at the end is beautiful.
Also anyone that has any knowledge of adoption,should know that adopting a white newborn is tough. The waiting list is years long sometimes which is why couples sometimes are forced to be a little un-selective when it comes to choosing white parents. I thought Laura Dern was awesome as Wanda. I can see how her double digit IQ, irresponsible lifestyle can bug some people but it happens all the time unfortunately.
Great movie.