That's the most I have to say about this show. I used to live in a market that carried loveline on the radio, but I didn't have cable to watch it, and now i have cable, but i can't listen to it on the radio. I have been a faithful viewer/listener for a year now, and I wouldn't miss it!
People call in that have had some serious trauma in their past, and depending on how heavy the trauma is, Adam will usually crack a (mildly - once again, depending on the trauma) off color joke or two, and then comes the advice from the almost-always serious Dr. Drew. Watching the show, you'll find yourself almost getting sick of Adam by the end, but at the same time, you'll be laughing at his jokes. Every so often, a sensible piece of advice will come shooting out!
As for Dr. Drew - how can you not like him! To paraphrase what Adam said about him once "He came from a stable home. He had two parents that loved each other and loved him. They made sure he had food to eat every day. They made sure he went to school, and went to college." Can you imagine the world if there were 5 billion more people just like him?
And, Diane...Diane, while being even less qualified than Adam, serves the purpose that she is there to serve, which is adding a female perspective. However, the one thing that I've noticed about her is that she laughs incessantly at ALL of Adams jokes. I think Adam is hilarious, but he isn't a funny as she seems to think he is.
Overall, this show is a benefit to society, and the "generation x" as a whole. If you are watching or listening now, continue. If you've never seen or listened to the show, look it up on the web, find a radio station in your area, and take a listen. If you can't find a radio station, then get MTV and watch it.