Flatly directed Italian crime film with John Saxon doing the Dirty Harry routine. The film serves up only a handful of brief, dull action scenes. Instead, the film focuses on a two-way manhunt. A low level hood on the run steals a mobster's car. Inside the car is incriminating evidence which will send a don to prison. The hunt is on with both the police and the mob dogging the young hood. The drama falls flat and the lack of shootouts makes this one a slog. There is some posturing about liberal newsmen and how they get in the way of justice as well as the usual strongarm scenes. That's it for subtext. An infirm looking J. Lee Cobb plays the blind don who stands to go to prison if the car thief isn't found. Director Stelvio Massi also made Convoy Busters, which was an enjoyable Italian actioner. Watch it instead.