Alex Mitchell (Peter Martell) is a young boy when his family are gunned down by a local wealthy landowner and his posse, they kidnap his only surviving sibling Judy (Mara Cruz). He grows into a revenge driven youngman, to the disappointment of his adopted Quakers. Especially his brother Mark (Luis Gaspar) who is a constant thorn in his side, and becomes a royal pain in the arse when he sets out on his path of vengeance.
Will he be able to rescue his sister and gun down the men responsible for his pain and suffering.
"Two Crosses at Danger Pass" Confusing at times, but entertaining enough. A more PGish version of a spaghetti western, but still hits a few deep gritty notes, especially Peter Martell as the flawed anti-hero Alex Mitchell. The shootouts are very well done and it keeps throwing up hints of a great spag western, but never quite gets there.
It is lacking a real bad villain, there are moments, but it is never built on, so we end up with several villains and none they fully commit to. Charlie Moran (Mario Novelli), Sheriff Doug (Antonio Pica) and Baron Moran (Armando Calvo) are the main villains. It's a big pity about the awful editing and the damage to this film, as it took a lot away from it. If you are a fan of spaghetti westerns, then it is a must do, if you like bad movies also a good watch. But if you want the real story telling gritty westerns, then avoid.
Cheesey moment to savour: when Papa Moran's son gets shot in the big shootout near the beginning of the film, acting award for under-doing a death scene maybe?