This documentary begins when the Spanish civil war has finished, that is in 1939. We can see a destroyed and hungry country trying to survive. What Mr Patiño chooses in the popular path, the then pop icons that in a way or another helped Spanis people, the survivors that is, to overcome the crisis.
In this curious parade there names of singers -from Imperio Argentina to Lola Flores or Miguel de Molina-, actors -from Jorge Mistral to Aurora Bautista or Fernando Rey-, writers -Camilo José Cela-, magazines, radio programs, advertising, movies.
The whole mechanism of Franco's propaganda is displayed carefully. It is worth to notice that the movie, finished in 1971, was banned and could be released after Franco's death Not curiously, the end gives us the image of the present King of Spain, the "gift" Mr Franco gave to Spain for the Opus Day to go on with its economical policy abel posadas