If you (like the rest of the world) think of Shelley Winters as an overweight, frumpy, whiny old lady, rent Frenchie. I'm in the minority, I realize, but this is how I think of Shelley winters. She's cute as a button, has a fun and flirtatious personality, and believe it or not, she has a figure. Frenchie is a western with a thin plot, but it doesn't matter. Shelley is trying to find the murderer of her father, and Joel McCrea is the sheriff. Joel warns her with a story of a girl he knew who rode a wild horse for too long and got into trouble. "Don't worry about me, Sherriff. Anything I can get on. . ." she says tauntingly as she fixes his bow tie, "I can get off." How did that get past the censors? Perhaps the members of the Hays board were too distracted with Shelley's adorableness and glamorous saloon costumes to notice what was coming out of her mouth. What a figure (she used to share clothes with her roommate, Marilyn Monroe)! It's no wonder all eyes in the saloon leave the can-can dancers when she walks into the room.
Seriously, folks. I know Shelley Winters isn't a glamour queen. I realize no one remembers her as a great beauty or sex symbol. But I always think of her as she was in Frenchie. She's a bundle of fun, and I would have loved to have been her friend.