Roger Ebert once said, it's not what a film is about, but how it is about it. Any film subject can be entertaining and interesting if done right, and any film subject can be dis-interesting and dull if done incorrectly. I've had some films that I expected to be bored to tears by end up being absolutely captivating because they were made so well. I was hoping for something like that with 'Blue Jean' but it was not to be the case sadly.
This film does everything in the least interesting way possible. It tries to create drama but it does it in a way that is forced and feels more like people being stroppy and unpleasant rather than naturally reacting to a situation. It never tries to push the envelope and be something unique and powerful or perhaps even memorable.
Basically I couldn't connect with the film. I found it uninspiring and I was bored to death for the majority of the run time. It's only 90 minutes but it felt much longer than that. 4/10.