But as usual these weak AF writers has this woman and the people she meets acting like a bunch of high school teenagers. In fact I was more mature in my teens, than this supposed 32 year old woman.
And the gratuitous sex near the end was the icing on the stupidity cake. Especially when you factor in how many women are kidnapped/raped and killed everyday in the world. These writers have her doing some of the dumbest shiitake imaginable.
They could have address her issues without the sex, and with less childish antic and conversation. I guess the plus would be that they didn't at least on film have relations with the english and the welsh dudes they met at the bar and followed to a hole in the wall speakeasy.
I found this extremely boring, and I like thinking movie that can cause you to pause and reflect. But this did the exact opposite and had me FF in spots and especially with the sex scene which frankly this film could do without. But weak writers will use that old ploy to get buttocks in theater seats.
One hot mess that will bore you to sleep when you're not FF past the unbearable nonsensical drivel that you will encounter.
Some people might enjoy this, I'm just not one of them.
2 out of 10.