Where to begin with this film...
I bought this film after having a bad day at work and then getting stuck in traffic for an hour. I was looking for something that was both cheap and terrible, this film ticked both those boxes.
I was mildly amused by the fact they use LARP armour and weaponry throughout the film and am still not entirely unconvinced the film crew didn't just tag along at their local larp and then added effects, music and editing later.
The plot is your standard good guy coming of age and learning through sacrifice and adversity.
The female characters all suffer from "Grr! I'm a fierce female warrior but I'm going to leave vital parts of my body exposed so that you know I'm still female and totally attainable. Fear not though, for the power of my womb shall protect me!".
The acting is terrible. The dubbing is worse.
The fight scenes are laughable bad and you can clearly see where they've sped things up, put things in reverse and reused sections of the footage.
The dramatic music is so over used it spends the entire film blaring for your attention over the most mundane scenes like an over-enthusiastic toddler jabbing their fingers into the pre-set buttons of an electric keyboard.
I was not drunk enough for this film.
I was not prepared for this film.
This would be a great film to put when you want to make someone leave or to see who can last the longest without losing the will to live.
All in all a great film if you want to spend time revaluating the events that lead you to watching this film and how "they couldn't really have been all that bad".
The best part is the dragon flying over our main character against a star lit sky.
I'm still trying to decide whether this film is bad good or just bad.