You know when you have that feeling someone is meant for stardom? Someone whose talent is so immense on screen you know you'll be seeing them again and again? I felt that way seeing Amy Adams in Junebug, I felt that about Laura Dern in Smooth Talk. I feel the same way about Mark Blane's performance in Cubby, which I saw at the Frameline Festival. I can't stop thinking about Blane's portrayal of an awkward and innocent, Klonopin popping, horny manchild who daydreams about spending time with a studly leatherman. When I discovered Blane wrote and co-directed Cubby, I became certain he is a talent to be reckoned with.
This is a beautiful and special first film.
Somehow I'm reminded of Harold and Maude's tenderness and wisdom, but sexier, queer, and on acid. Cubby's direction, like Blane's performance, is nuanced and thoughtful. There's an unusual and distinctive magical realism quality to Cubby, complete with animation. Many times the audience doesn't know what is real, psychosis, party drug induced hallucinations or leatherman fantasy. Blane and co-director Ben Mankoff deftly handle the ambiguity.
Cubby lets us know at the beginning this is a "story based on a lie." However I'm certain we'll be seeing more from Blane and Mankoff. Don't miss this film!