This move was so bad I created an IMDb account to prevent others from Suffering as I have through it. It is quite obvious to me that the individuals who gave this flying turd Taco a 10/10 have either been paid to, or are direct relatives of the individuals in this film. There were many scenes where the sound didn't sync up to the action (think 70's dubbed kung fu), in addition to the horrendous editing which appeared to be done by a severely ADHD seven year old who hadn't had his daily dose of adderall. If that isn't alliterative enough for you, then try to imagine a demon possession movie where the main "scary" character is simply a man in a Walmart grim reaper hood with a 5 dollar face paint job. Seriously folks, my Niece can paint a better scary face, and she's only 8. Nothing original, a rehash of other horror movies all coalesced into one garbled, unimaginative piece of garbage. }:-\