This is a really bad movie. The only good thing about it is a decent looking poster but actually all that does is raise my hopes to make me think this might be a real movie but it's not.
I want to support Ottawa actors but this movie is just awful start to finish and in every way imaginable. Brett Kelly is a local director and love him for trying but dude you have to stop now, every one of your movies if you can even call them that are terrible. This is what you get when someone with zero experience or talent takes a camera phone and shoots their friends for a few hours running around in somebody's yard.
The picture and sound quality are zero.
There is no script or story to speak of here.
The actors come off looking bad mostly because they have no direction and nothing to work with.
Worst of all unlike most zero budget movies this one is bad but doesn't even make the level of being the kind of bad you can enjoy watching or laugh at, it is just a bad, tedious, boring movie that is hard to get through.
I hate having to watch things and then pretend they're awesome just because friends of friends are in it so I won't, this is a crime against movies and the director, writers, producers, all of them should stop making these movies. I've seen three now (this, the music camp/school one and Spyfall) and they are all boring turds. Couldn't even finish the music one and I was trying.