I have no clue or whatever about the other review, is he stupid or did he this on purpose? Jesus, it is unbelievable how stupid people can be. But now the game, this is without a blink the worst game ever created in the 21t century, the voice acting is so bad i just thought i wanna kill my self, the graphics are terrible, and it is the most glitching game ever made, i am disappointed IMDb doesn't have a 0 star or even a -1 star, i think the creators of this game wanted it to be terrible, or it is just made by a 7 year old kid. Why o why is this game even released. if there ever will be a game that is worse then this, I'm gonna rip my eyes out so i can't see a terrible game anymore. I hope the creators of this game will be arrested because this is just a horrible crime. A terrible mistake, that is what this game is!
And a message for the other reviewer: go to a doctor! or don't smoke weed anymore!
0/10 for this horrible game!