"Bohurupi" is an intriguing Bengali film that masterfully intertwines drama and suspense, focusing on the thrilling cat-and-mouse game between a cop and a bank robber. The story revolves around the robber's use of multiple disguises, including that of shape-shifters or Bohurupis, showcasing his complex motivations and the societal pressures that lead him to crime. Abir Chatterjee and Shiboprosad Mukherjee deliver compelling performances, supported by the strong portrayals of Ritabhari Chakraborty and Koushani Mukherjee, who add emotional depth to the narrative. The film's cinematography vividly captures the nuances of Bengali culture, while the sharp screenplay and engaging dialogues keep viewers invested. "Bohurupi" is a thought-provoking exploration of identity and morality, leaving a lasting impact.