The Last Ship follows a destroyer named the USS Nathan James, led by Capt. Tom Chandler (Eric Dane), as they try to save humanity. They search for a cure to a virus that has already wiped out more than half the population. Against orders they stay at sea to develop the vaccine. They also have to fight off enemies who will do anything to get that vaccine or try to stop them from finishing it. I really enjoyed this show a lot more than I thought I would. It has the perfect blend of action, drama, comedy, mystery, twists, etc. Eric Dane and Travis Van Winkle lead a fantastic cast that all are at the top of their game. Bottom line is it's a pretty good action thriller that will keep you entertained throughout the entire series. It's definitely worth watching. If you're looking for a fun show that has plenty of action which will keep you at the edge of your seat then give this a try. You won't be disappointed.