Santa Isn't Real (2023) is a film I recently watched on Tubi. The story follows a young woman who wakes up from a coma after being attacked by someone dressed as Santa on Christmas night-a tragedy that left her family dead. As she tries to move on by spending her first holiday out of the hospital with friends, it quickly becomes clear that the killer may have returned.
Written and directed by Zac Locke (Float), the film stars Kaya Coleman (Beyond Black Beauty), Scarlett Sperduto (Wanted), Cissy Ly (Sad Eyes), and David Mitchum Brown (At War with Love).
This is yet another low-budget film that feels every bit of its budget. The writing and acting are painfully weak, with circumstances and dialogue that come across as completely inauthentic. The storyline is overly simplistic, predictable, and capped with a twist that's easy to see coming. While the kills are passable at best, they don't elevate the film, though the "pillow princess" kill does stand out as the highlight.
In conclusion, Santa Isn't Real is a disappointing and forgettable addition to the Christmas horror genre. I'd rate it a 3/10 and recommend skipping this one.