This is a quite wonderful film to watch if you like a supernatural thriller. Not sure if it is really a thriller but its certainly not a horror movie or a comedy. It is a ghost film with a difference and despite the eerie music will keep you entertained and engrossed from beginning until end.
the film begins (and ends)with non-explicit sexual references but that gives nothing away about the story that the film tells. Zel is clearly a lonely fortune teller living alone (with a load of 'trapped' ghosts) in a big house which we must assume she inherited from her grandmother. Zels relationship with the 'little girl' is fascinating just for that and how she acts out 'Frankie' for example in the brief moments that she is 'called upon' is captivating viewing in the movie.
The earlier commentator is critical of the music but the movie deals with life and death and the eeriness of the music is representative of a sombre mood within the mood. I am not quite sure why one of the ghosts relates to the child the connection and coincidence of the Lincoln/Kennedy assassinations but I have kept a special note about it since and researched it further on the internet.
We can suspect that Zels boyfriend (is it Alan or the man asking the ghosts about themselves and why they died?)does not live at the house and is an occasional visitor himself (but not a ghost). The narratives which appear constantly on the screen, at first annoying, we soon realise are essential to the telling of the story, thank goodness for DVD and the ability to 'pause'! I loved the way one of the ghosts was prompted to explain why she was trapped and attracted to the 'light'. So much to commend about this film, I am just surprised that I am only the second person to make comment about it on this website. It is an unmissable film simply because it is different and makes us wonder.