Having read former Spiritualist Medium Ralph Gasson's book, The Challenging Counterfeit, which includes data on 'rescue work', one sees that, much as the general public don't like the idea of Christianity being correct, they are less challenged by the idea of there being souls who might simply need a little help after death to leave earth's domain.
In Spiritualism one or more mediums can come into a 'haunted' house, hold a Home Circle séance, and get their guide spirit to talk to & advise the belligerent and/or confused ghost, attracted by their love rays, to take the opportunity to depart to evolve on the spiritual planes. But, Gasson said, a successful rescue is no more than demons walking away laughing at human gullibility and spiritual black wool pulled over eyes.
The sincerity of such psychics is good though misguided, deceived & deceiving, since the spirits are not human but fallen spirits, demons, seeking to mislead people from true light. This reduces the series to one of deception, a spiritual contamination of the mind with nothing to recommend it unless it causes some to at least see that there are spiritual realities to ponder: perhaps with Ivan Karamazov they will ponder that if there is a devil there is God too.