Operation Christmas Drop is a 2020 American Christmas romantic comedy based on true events, starring Kat Graham and Alexander Ludwig as the main characters. So it's January a little late for a Christmas film but I wanted something that was a feel good film and it certainly was that. The storyline was really good it had comedy, romance, sadness and happiness in it. The film started off good and got even better as it went along with some lovely beautiful scenery in it. The acting was good from all the cast especially from Kat and Alexander, there played the characters really well and certainly had good chemistry and was very believable. I really enjoyed this film you don't get many good Christmas films these days but this one was great, it even bought a tear to my eye which don't normally happen. Not like your normal Christmas movies but still a really good light hearted film to watch. So if it's a winters day sit in front of the fire with snacks and enjoy this lovely beautiful romance movie you certainly won't be disappointed. Don't leave it to late it's currently streaming on Netflix right now get watching, surprisingly really good. 😊